Bonito Walks
From Quinta to Quinta in Central Portugal: Hike and Explore the Self-Sufficient Lifestyle

Who we are

Bonitowalks originated from the breathtaking mountain hikes and a shared passion that brought like-minded individuals together. These experiences were so valuable that they were eagerly desired to be shared with others. The intention is not only to provide amazing holidays but also to share inspiration for a fresh perspective on life.


Together with my dog, I left for Portugal in July 2021. A few months before departure, I worked hard on my camper van. With this camper van, I always have my home with me! That way, I was able to easily discover many beautiful places in Portugal. Eventually, I landed in Central Portugal. Here, I find the nature, the friendly Portuguese culture and the multi-culture community in one, perfect for me! I have always loved hiking and have been fortunate enough to make beautiful hikes in different places in the world (Peru, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Brazil). Here in Central Portugal, I keep discovering beautiful new hiking trails. The Xisto hiking trail is one of my favorites, and I also love to go to the Serra Estrela mountain area. Of course, I always bring my dog, and if it were up to him, we would go on a 10-hour hike every day! Loet is so crazy about hiking, which makes it extra fun for me to see how much my dog enjoys the hikes. In addition to hiking, I love to dance, read, cook, and do creative things, both crafting and making theater. My background in work is drama therapy, which means I use theater as a tool for therapy. I have also regularly taught theater classes to children in schools in Amsterdam and now do so again in small school/education initiatives here in the area. As a therapist, I still work online with adults and focus on children in the area. That's why I offer theater-oriented children's camps in the area. I also love to go to the local 'hippie' markets here, where I do face painting and offer workshops to children. In short, I love to be entrepreneurial and do fun things, which makes guiding a personal-made hiking holliday a perfect fit for me.

For me, Bonitowalks is a delightful blend of a scenic hike and the sharing of an alternative way of life. Personally, I've consciously sought more tranquility, returning to a less hurried and simpler existence. I'm keen on sharing this, along with my enthusiasm and love for this stunning hiking region, with all of you!


Hello there, I'm Tobias. From Germany. Together with my wife Alice and our little Li-an, we call the picturesque village of Cerdeira our home. My piece of land, where my caravan sits with a breathtaking view of the mountains, is my refuge of peace and greenery.
With love, I've planted trees, cultivated a lush vegetable garden, and even built my own little cabin. Now, I'm excited to share my passion for this beautiful place with all of you. As your guide, I am ready to lead you on unforgettable adventures and unveil the hidden gems of this region.
Throughout the week, you'll also have the chance to meet my wife Alice, showcasing her culinary skills with delightful lunches. I can't wait to explore this special place together with you all and immerse ourselves in the natural beauty that Central Portugal has to offer. See you soon!


From a young age, you'd find me outdoors—climbing trees, running through the wildflowers, rolling down hills, preferably with all my neighborhood friends. Now, it seems like I'm doing the same, just a bit differently!
After a few extensive journeys to distant continents, I've been traveling for the past few years, exploring various (natural) areas and communities in Spain and Portugal. I work as a massage therapist and/or volunteer in permaculture projects. About two years ago, I bought my bus to continue this adventure, and with my home on wheels, I found myself in the Serra de Estrela. I stayed here for a year, captivated by the wonderful people (who became my friends), the breathtaking nature, and my work at an alternative school project.
Currently, I reside in a community near Setúbal, focusing on further developing my skills in dance, while frequently visiting the beloved Serra de Estrela. I am genuinely excited about Bonito Walks—it brings together my love for nature, travel, and people, tapping into my past as a (travel) guide, which I've always enjoyed. I look forward to exploring the Serra with all of you.
Warm regards,